
Archive for March, 2005

Too tired

March 6th, 2005 Comments off

I was going to make a long post with reviews of all various things from the weekend. However, after the concert I am ready for bed. Will update Monday afternoon.


Another comic review

March 1st, 2005 Comments off

As the snow watch contiunues (just a little over 5″ now), I have read all of Punks and Nerds and decided to add it to the list on the right and share with you, my friends. I do suggest at least looking at a couple of the issues (like the 0040-0050 range).
The best way I can describe it is as a comic that reaches out to the college student crowd. Constant references to shows and things from our childhood (Doug, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles….). It’s good with funny and stupid humor….and of course sex. Check it out.
It seems that the creators are also involved with the DISPOSABLE PARTS project, a book (I assume) about robots, drawn by over 10 known artists (MacHall and AppleGeeks to name a couple). Should be interesting.


Snow is falling

March 1st, 2005 Comments off

It’s safe to assume you have a minute since you’re here. Check out this comic. It’s not that funny until you click on the “NEXT COMIC” link, but you’ll enjoy it.
I’m like a little kid right now. We have close to 4″ of snow now, and I can’t wait to wake up in the morning to find out if classes get cancelled. Wow do I hope class gets cancelled. I’d miss getting a chance to see Sarah, but screw Art of Film.
Speaking of class, pre-registration begins soon. My schedule is looking so much better than I originally planned. I’m going to drop the IT minor (why do I need a minor when I have the experience) which gets rid of one of my Ten Eyck classes and I’ll have some fun classes like Game Design and Programming. Check it out. I’ll finally have a semester without night classes. XD
