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From the desk of Ben

June 1st, 2005

Lots has been going, sorta. I’ve definately been spending most of my time catching up on sleep. Kind of a bad thing sleeping through work or just waking up really late in general, but it’s all good, and I’m starting to get a sleep pattern back.
Other than sleep, I’ve been listening to music and playing Guild Wars lately. I haven’t been playing as much as I’d like, but I’m enjoying it regardless. The Dark Hearts of Valor are all good people. One of the officers gave me 3 awesome hammers to use many levels from now.
In other news, GOOGLE IS AMAZING! This summer they have a program to encourage students to develop under open source licenses. But they’re giving away up to $1,000,000. That’s right, count the zeros. Each student that gets approved (200) has an opportunity to get $4500, and $500 goes to the organization that mentors said student. Friggin’ amazing. I need to come up with a couple of ideas. If anyone is interested, click here.

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