O’Reilly Media Wish list sweepstakes
February 13th, 2011
You’ve all heard me promote the O’Reilly Media Wish list sweepstakes. Go read the rules but the basics are you generate a wish list of O’Reilly titles including books, ebooks and videos that total up to $500, and then you get an entry for the random selection. Slimming down a wish list to $500 is very much the hard part, but here is my selection.
(Disclaimer: All prices are O’Reilly prices with no discounts)
Title | Format | Price |
bash Cookbook | $49.99 | |
Beautiful Code | Print + Ebook | $44.49 |
Being Geek | $24.99 | |
CSS Cookbook, Third Edition | $49.99 | |
Hackers | $21.99 | |
HTML & CSS: The Good Parts | $34.99 | |
Linux Server Hacks | $24.95 | |
Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two | $39.99 | |
Open Source for the Enterprise | $22.95 | |
RESTful Web Services | $39.99 | |
RESTful Web Services Cookbook | $39.99 | |
Ruby Cookbook | $49.99 | |
Windows PowerShell Cookbook, Second Edition | $54.99 |
That’s right, a total of $499.29. I’m sure it’s possible to get closer to the $500 limit, but my goal was books I want and I will read. I’m happy with this list. Go read the rules an get your own entry in and best of luck.