Some Clerks 2 info
I don’t remember what I’ve posted, but Kevin Smith wrote some stuff up last night and here’s what I’ve got from digging around.
Smith wrapped filming by December (forget date now). Amazing feat considering he originally planned to begin filming in January of 2006. A screening was done for about 50 people (consisting of Miramax execs, Smiths’ friends, and liked members of the ViewAskew forums), lasting about 1:38.
This morning, Smith posted some more status, as well as a trailer that can be found here. Great trailer. Shows some of the fun times in the movie and reveals little to no story. Good music selection for the trailer as well.
So what now? When will it be released? Some sound and effects still need to be added to the movie, but Smith is very happy with how it’s coming along. No release date yet, but sometime in August or September.
Sorry about dropping the ball on the last part there. I did have tabs open with Smith’s plan to bring the flick to a film festival (Cannes?), but I lost it in the confusion today.