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Tron is so cool

February 27th, 2005

Having an interesting weekend. Some good parts, some not so good parts. I’ve been relaxing and enjoying myself with geek friends today, and some people now understand some of my constant frustrations.
Friday: Got my car inspected. Now my brakes aren’t nearly as good as they used to be, but I don’t have to worry if I get pulled over. Did research at work. Moved an arcade machine (a real arcade machine from 1983) and some chairs into the space, then had a good time at Coco’s for dinner (mmm free rice pudding). Dropped by the party at my house, but only had two shots of jagermeister. Take care of people and did my own thing until 4:00.
Saturday: Geek trip to Barnes & Noble to witness a Kershaw failure. Back to the space to work on a few things, play Tron (hi score of 19300 right now), and watch stuff. Lots of fun, good relaxing day.
Sunday: After brunch I need to get more work done, and homework as well. I need to get to the next level of Tron.
I created a quick module to list some web comics I like (mostly because I lose track of them). I need to put a title on those two lists to keep them seperated or something. But do check The Order of the Stick. I’ve read the first 100 episodes, and it is very funny and keeps me interested. It features geek humor and a continual storyline, which is generally a plus. I hope Real Life Comics gets its database server back soon so I can continue reading that. If you want me to add a comic to that list, just say so.

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