After being friends with Kershaw, I’ve learned that when you find a link that pisses you off, you send someone to that site. So know that Jim and Jimmy have sent me to an annoying flash animation with a song that will be in my head for a while, I inflict the pain on you. Go here.
I still haven’t gotten back into my routine of checking things online the way I used to. Hell, I haven’t read a comic in two weeks. But I did find this link from NewsForge with highlights on Google’s Summer of Code. It’s too bad that Google won’t update their own friggin’ page, but whatever.
I still haven’t gone through the highlights myself, but just watching Gaim development this summer, I saw a lot of the students patches get integrated with the 1.x series. Some of the new features are strictly for 2.0 though. gShrooms looks like it might be interesting.
That’s it. I’m done reporting anything on this subject!
Sorry, I had so many things I wanted to say/post on Friday. I continue to feel like I have lost myself, and I was quite drunk Friday night. I’ll post information and rants and shit in the next few days, but I need to catch up with studies and work (like work work).
But I have a question. What the hell is everyone planning on doing for Serenity weekend? Many people want to see it, but nobody has a plan yet.
Google’s Summer of Code is now officially over. I haven’t looked at anything that was being done in the past month or so, but I’ll be putting up a bunch of links at the end of the week with reports of interesting things I find. For now though, I can tell you that there should be some nice features added to gaim shortly, and you can check out a couple of reports here, here, and here.
Congrats to all the students that were fortunate enough to participate. I hope you all enjoyed and learned from the opportunity you were given. Thanks to Google as well, you guys rock. I wish Google had released more information or at least updated more often, but reports over the next couple of weeks should be sweet.
I was listening to this week’s Signal podcast (Serenity/Firefly stuff) and figured I should share my depression. The end of each show (at least recently) has featured a soundclip of a bunch of fans singing a part of the theme song. This brings back all sorts of memories from the first time I saw Serenity. That trip was amazing in levels I can’t explain. And knowing that I will never have those feelings again in my life sucks. This isn’t coming out right, but I’m sure Ben knows exactly what I’m talking about.
Depression aside, I do recommend listening to an episode of The Signal. It’s a good thing to have playing in the background while working on other things. You learn interesting things and get news on what’s going on in the ‘verse. No spoilers! And please vote for them at Podcast Alley. They’re 30 votes short of being #1 for the month and it’s important for September and October that it’s #1. September 30th baby!!